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Username: Thomas Lowenhaupt
Date/Time: Sun, February 20, 2000 at 4:11 AM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.51 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: In the beginning...


I'm delighted to see that so fundamental a part of the Internet as numbering has been opened to public participation. The ICANN is to be congratulated.

I'm participating as vice chair of the communications committee of Community Board 3Q, of the city of New York. Our community of 150,000 has a vital interest in the Internet's development.

At this beginning of the Ad Hoc Group's operation I'd like to pose several questions and make a few suggestions:

1. Legitimacy - Broader participation in the Ad Hoc Group is essential. As currently configured it appears to only represent the interests of business. While the ICANN board will eventually have public members, it is advisable that the public participate at all levels of the Internet's development. Therefore I suggest you seek out other legitimately interested parties to participate in this Ad Hoc Group. Without bottom up participation by the public, local non profit institutions, schools, religious institutions, small businesses, etc., the Ad Hoc Group's conclusions with regard to broad public interests will be suspect (and possibly erroneous).

2. Governance - I'd suggest adding 9 public members to the Editorial Group, as that appears to the Ad Hoc Group's governance unit.

3. Background Information - As the public members will not be well versed in the technical details, their participation adds a level of complexity to the Group's operation. I suggest adding a library of fundamental technical and consumer orientation documents to

4. Coordination Facilities - I suggest the group use simpler and more robust working tools like those offered by

5. Timetable - Considering the late start, what is the current timetable?

In conclusion, I'd like to note that public participation of this sort will surely slow the Group's decision making process down to a crawl, for the short run. But the long term development and integration of appropriate technology into multiple levels of society, the reduction of obsolescence, and reduced resource consumption will advantage all.

Thank you for your attention to these matters.


Thomas Lowenhaupt



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