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Username: jefsey
Date/Time: Mon, June 19, 2000 at 2:16 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: convergence of phone and internet IP numbering


IMHO there is no need for a convergence of any kind between IP adresses and phone. But there is a need for a clear understanding of where is an IP adress geographically located.
The experience of the CCITT X.121 may help in avoiding telephone oddities like overlaps.
What I mean is that the need is not for a conceptual convergence but for pragamatic advantages. The two level approach of the internet (IP + DNs) permits a lot of 'convergences' including a ".tel" gTLD where the DNs would be telephone numbers. Radio frequencies, political and jurisdictional areas will be of the essence rather than telephone areas. When a Juge will forbid the access to a site or to a product in his juridiction, or a city will want to rise local e-taxes. Existing Telephone solutions (not theoretical ones) do not offer a reponse: area codes are too large and overlaps make them inappropriate.



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