Since the physical addressing will go from 4,294,967,296
(256*256*256*256) to 281,474,976,710,656 (256*256*256*256*256*256) IP addresses --
I believe it's safe to say that we should have enough addresses for a little while.
;>) Why not allocate these in a set of percentage blocks and divide those through
major gateway controllers based upon the actual IP number. If you think about
it, we're already doing that in a way, but without structure of IP number to geographical
area resolution. The U.S. Military has X blocks of one class-A, University
A has X blocks of one class-A, Widgets Incorporated has X blocks of one class-B,
ISP Whatever has X blocks of one class-B, etc. Let's change that to a physical
region controllers being the only entities allocated the equivalent of a class-A
IPv6 license. These would be allocated by the number of potential users in
a 10-year life cycle (yep, you may have to move your IP's every 10 years-get over
it). Then, the control center would pass out IP blocks FREELY to those with
usage requests and base the blocks on a 50% usage basis, measured annually.
One more report for IT, but it would halt a lot of the IP hording. One side
note to that is that domain names could be associated to the physical region controller
and we could finally get rid of the innane dot com stigma. Something like www.domain.aa,
www.domain.ab, etc. Then you could simply create an (official) cross reference
of domain extensions and only need to track 254 maximum controlling routers for individual
site resolution. Obviously, controllers would weight local content, on their
index, first. Also be handy for moving adult content out of the mainstream
and into it's own psuedo extension set.
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