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Username: adraheim
Date/Time: Sat, March 4, 2000 at 9:35 PM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.61 using Windows 95
Score: 5
Subject: At-Large Election Study


Common Cause and the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT), two
U.S.-based public interest organizations, are pleased to make available to
the ICANN community a report on the ICANN At-Large Election, which will be available online shortly. 

The report - entitled "ICANN's Global Elections: On the Internet, For the
Internet" - is the result of a three-month study funded by the Markle
Foundation and based in part on discussions with both ICANN participants and
outside election experts with experience in establishing and monitoring
democratic elections around the world. 

The report presents an analysis of the current ICANN At-Large Election
process, the concerns that have been raised about it, major options for
improving the current system, and some recommendations that we feel are
important for the ICANN Board to pursue. 

An executive summary, the full report, and background on the Common
Cause-CDT study are available online at:

This report was produced with the goal of assisting the ICANN community in
its ongoing discussion of the At-Large election, scheduled to continue at
its quarterly meeting in Cairo next week. 

For further information, please contact Andy Draheim at Common Cause or Lusan Chua at CDT

Common Cause is a leading advocate for openness and accountability in
government. A non-profit group based in Washington, D.C., Common Cause
brings its knowledge of fair and democratic electoral processes to this
study of the ICANN elections. For more information see

The Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT), based in Washington, D.C., is
a non-profit public interest group dedicated to promoting individual liberty
and democratic values online. CDT has extensive experience with Internet
policy and technology issues relating to free expression, individual
privacy, and open access to the Internet. For more information see


Link: CC-CDT At-Large Election Study

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