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Username: RJGlass
Date/Time: Sat, December 9, 2000 at 7:17 PM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.75 using Windows NT 5.0
Score: 15
Subject: @Large


        1.  It was my impression that the at large membership would have some sort of input over the overall operations of ICANN.  It was my impression that members would at the very least A) provide input and testimony regarding new proposals, and B) vote whether or not to adopt new measures.

2.  It has become clear that ICANN needs closer scrutiny from its members due to possible corruption practices, board squatters, and collusion.  The DNS can not be allowed to operate under these conditions.  As the Internet continues to develop, we must remember that this is the beginning, not the end.  If ICANN continues to operate in the manner of 'American politicians' eventually there will be no ICANN @ Large, but merely a small group of illuminati with absolute corrupt control, fiduciary only to large corporations and government money-laundering scams, no fiduciary to the good of the whole.

3.  ICANN has not been able to follow its own directives regarding issuing new TLDs.  Even down to thorough thought, ICANN has not been able to even comply with its own guidelines.  This matter is very important, as it shows the evidence of collusion.  It is irreversibly detrimental to issue new TLDs in haste or for simply monetary reasons.  No entity has yet been able to even show a need for new TLDs, let alone that the DNS will be able to continually operate in an efficient manner if 7 new TLDs are issued.  My take on this is that it needs more thought, open discussion, and open testimony by the members.

4.  ICANN's secrecy is suspect.  I can understand maintaining a 'background image', staying low-key.  However, to be secretive even from their own members is an issue that must be stopped.  Member should be able to contribute their knowledge freely to ICANN and assist in decision-making and research.  The member base is full of highly knowledgeable people, and this should be used as its greatest asset.

5.  At Large members should maintain a position of knowledge resource for ICANN.  Free and open discussion should be encouraged.  Voting rights should be preserved for any major decisions ICANN undertakes.  The ICANN board should be kept free from corruption, collusion, and politics; the @large members should be the overriding authority to the board to protect the fiduciary nature of the organization.



Link: RJPacific

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