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Username: cyberlawyer
Date/Time: Thu, December 21, 2000 at 11:05 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows NT 5.0
Score: 5
Subject: Poor choice of domains, and why so few?


ICANN lost my confidence when they approved so few names, and chose so poorly, at that. I guess they felt they could use that infusion of 50 K they took in bad faith from the applicants. I haven't seen any credible reasoning why the Board approved so few names, or the ones they chose. I would be for asking the board to re-evaluate the applications they received and even ask for clarification from the applicants if they think they need more information to make a positive decision. I would rather see them take a couple to a few months longer, and make measured decisions, rather than go ahead with the present flawed group of choices.

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