I think that the ICANN Member
at Large concept should be expanded and carried forth into a second year, particularly
now that one year's worth of information, timetables and results can be used to compare
against a second term with the same set (expanded, probably) of Members.I believe
that the first year's results are tainted by short timelines, and users new to the
process (along with problems, as I understand it, with access, lost PINS in the US
mail, and pages either too busy, or not always loading correctly -- after all, what
server is flawless?). ICANN needs imput from the widest range of users possible,
and should have as much diversity as possible.
It is, of course, never free to
conduct a process like this, but I belive that the benefit to the Internet Community
is far greater than the administrative costs of another year.
Please note, as a
Member at Large, this is approximately my tenth attempt to read comments. I
finally chose to post a comment, despite that fact that I cannot read other comments.
The pages simply will not load tonight. Problems like this, combined with the
short timeline of the first At Large "test" cannot yeild accurate results.