The process and result of Last at-Large election in Asia/Pacific
region was bad.
Most voters, especially in Japan, had little information about
candidates (most Japanese people, including me, are very poor at English).The
government of Japan and JPNIC planned a top-down nationalistic mobilization for Mr.
Katoh. They intently announce through nation-wide newspapers a biased information,
which lacks "what is at stake in ICANN".
Then, they requested many IT-related companies
to have their employees to vote to Mr. Katoh
(details are at
. I wonder if employees of some companies
could vote secretly.
As a result,
many (over 10 thousands) Japanese people blindly voted to Mr. Katoh.
This is very
serious, because the mobilization
made Japan the nation that has the largest number
of at-large members. That nationalistic, totalitarian mobilization will be repeated.
until the next election ICANN officially investigates the details of the mobilization
and let JPNIC disclose the all process of the mobilization and warns not to mobilize
forcedly, we at-large members may have a
fair election.