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Username: vb
Date/Time: Fri, July 7, 2000 at 6:01 PM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.7 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: My comments


        First of all, I really thank the ElCom for taking into consideration some of the most widely accepted comments, such as the terminology issue about "self-nomination" or the excessively high threshold for nomination. A 2% threshold (between 20 and 200) could be a reasonable threshold even with the "one endorsement" rule, if there is a smooth and fair way for potential nominees to communicate with members and solicit their endorsement.

On the other hand, communication is very important even in the member-nomination phase - otherwise, only candidates that can count upon an externally controlled list of members will be able to lobby and get to the ballot. Independent candidates wouldn't have a chance to get nominated, because they just know a few members or even no other member than them.

The same applies to the campaign phase, but it's pointless to worry about how candidates communicate to voters in the campaign phase, if there are no provisions about communication in the nomination phase, so that all independent candidates just get wiped away in that phase. I think that every candidate should be judged by his/her own ideas and plans, and not by the ability to have trusted people subscribe to the At Large program to get him/her nominated. So the very same rules about communication that apply to the campaign phase should also apply to the member nomination phase.

I think that all candidates for nomination, and then for election in the campaign phase, should be enabled to write a fixed-length presentation that gets sent once by E-mail to all members of the Region, together with a link to their own page, where they can tell everything they want. I don't think that asking people to go and visit Web pages is a good idea - most people will not do it, so again only lobbying candidates, that have a list of members and can get to them directly, will get endorsements.

I have some more general comments on the election process, though this is possibly not the right place and time to expose them, since it does not seem feasible to me that something can be changed for this year's elections.
I have some fears about how European governments and people in general will judge an "European" election in which 80% of the electorate is German. I don't think that this will make relationships between the EU and ICANN smoother. Though I admire the fact that German people seem to be much more interested in such important questions than other European people, I think that some form of sub-regional representation should be sooner or later implemented. Just as my first thought, every country should elect a representative, and then all the representatives for each single region should vote to elect the At Large Director for the region, maybe weighing their votes according to the population of their country. But then, such indirect election could conflict with real members' will, so... well, something should be worked out. There will be time to discuss this, I hope.

I also agree on a comment I read here - it *does* seem strange that Regions with 10'000 At Large members get the same level of representation in the Board as Regions with 100 members. If At Large members should elect nine members, then I suppose that the most populated Regions are going to get more of them next round, so while I can accept that the first five Directors come each from one Region, I think that the other seats will have to be split among Regions according to the global distribution of members.

That's it for now - comments welcome.


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