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Re: [ifwp] Postel's view of Internet users
Andy and all,
We agree with your conclusions and are appalled by Jon Postels rather limited view
of the Internet community on the whole. It is nothing less than astounding that
someone of Jon's stature could make such a FALSE conclusion. I am at a loss
of words as to how to our feelings on this matter. I personally am afraid that it
is time for Jon Postel to be removed from his current position Immediately!
Andy Sernovitz wrote:
> Dr. Postel's latest draft of his nIANA proposal states that industry and
> user groups should be fundamentally excluded from the process. He
> expresses a view (which I am sure is shared by many in the old-guard
> Internet community) that businesspeople and users aren't 1) smart enough
> and 2) honest enough to have a voice in the management of domain names.
> Postel says:
> 3. There was a nearly universal lack of enthusiasm with the concept
> of an Industry/User Supporting Organization in the earlier draft. The
> principal objections were that (1) it was hard to see how such an
> Organization could be created that would adequately represent the
> range of potentially affected constituencies in the time available to
> participate with the Initial Board, and (2) that the structure of such
> an Organization did not provide an effective mechanism for ensuring
> membership on the Board by the persons of broad experience and high
> personal reputation that many believe would make a particularly
> valuable contribution to the very difficult work of the Initial Board.
> Make no mistake -- the Internet industry and user communities will not
> be excluded from representation and a fair share of control of this
> process. When push comes to shove, if the Internet engineers attempt
> such an exclusion -- the engineers will find themselves alone in the
> cold.
> Such attitudes as Dr. Postel's will force action on our part. I can
> assure you that the corporate Internet community and user community
> swings a much bigger stick in the halls of power. We are getting tired
> of this game.
> -- Andy Sernovitz,
> President
> Association for Interactive Media
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Jeffrey A. Williams
DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
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