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Re: [ifwp] Re: Postel's view of Internet users

On Wed, 5 Aug 1998, Mikki Barry wrote:

> The consensus that was reached at each meeting was posted to this and other 
> lists, as well as web pages like http://www.ifwp.org, http://
> cyber.law.harvard.edu/ifwp/post-geneva-consensus.html, Ellen Rony's site and 
> others. 

I see a list of consensus points there however I do not see a proposal for
a new IANA that incorporates those points. An unstructured list of ideas
is not sufficient to create an organization.

> > I don't know and I don't care. Jon is not God! He does not have to 
> > submit perfect documents and do all our work for us. That's what 
> > the public discussion is for and I wish people would stop trying to 
> > earn brownie points by attacking Postel since it does not advance 
> > the process one bit. 

> Strawman arguments won't really work here.  The second proposal by IANA
> did not incorporate the consensus points of Reston or Geneva. 

How convenient that you have not yet submitted your own proposal so we
cannot examine it to see if the pot is calling the kettle, black. 

> Since you have admitted you made a personal attack on me, I now know that you 
> can indeed recognize one.

Perhaps you cannot since you also attacked me personally in your message.

> As such, please, in future, offer opinions and 
> discussion points about the information on the table, rather than attack the 
> people whose opinions they are.  

It's too bad that Jon Postel is not on this list to ask you and others to
do likewise.

Michael Dillon                 -               Internet & ISP Consulting
Memra Communications Inc.      -               E-mail: michael@memra.com
Check the website for my Internet World articles -  http://www.memra.com        

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