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Re: [ifwp] Re: new iana draft bylaws
Michael and all,
Michael Dillon wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Aug 1998, Karl Auerbach wrote:
> > The fundamental premise of the proposed structure is that there is to be a
> > nearly powerless, figurehead board of directors which exercises minimal
> > control over a set of highly autonomous "supporting organizations" in
> > which all substantive power is to be found.
> Here you are second guessing Postel's intent. This is wrong for two
> reasons. First, by second guessing his intent you are not focussing on the
> important issue which is crafting a workable organizational structure. And
> secondly, this incorrect focus leads *AWAY* from an atmosphere in which
> consensus and compromise can be reached.
> Postel's intent is irrelevant. He has placed a proposal on the table. If
> there are parts that could be changed to make it a good proposal, then
> tell us what those changes would look like. Most of us are not lawyers and
> are entirely uninterested in arcane legal arguments and much expounding
> onw why this is bad and why that won't work.
Well Postels intent is somewhat relevant. His statement with respect
tothe Internet User community is appalling form someone that is
supposed to believe in that very community. But I digress: We have
already submitted several suggestions to the first and second draft of
the nIANA's bylaws iterations along with suggestion to improve them.
> We want to see workable proposals and we want to see workable suggestions
> to replace parts of the proposals on the table. We want an evolutionary
> process that leads to the goal of a new IANA. We do not want a divisive
> process that leads back to chaos.
Agreed. ANd we have presented "Workable" suggestions. In addition,
whatthe nIANA has submitted in it's second iteration of the bylaws is
appalling and pays no attention to what consensus points were reached
in Reston and Geneva for the most part. It is this kind of proposal
that the nIANA proposed with it's second iteration of bylaws that is
leading to a chaotic situation.. Not to mention there is yet to be a
draft from anyone or group on the Articles of incorporation.
> --
> Michael Dillon - Internet & ISP Consulting
> Memra Communications Inc. - E-mail: michael@memra.com
> Check the website for my Internet World articles - http://www.memra.com
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