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RE: [dnsproc-en] Re: Suggestions for the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

At 02:49 PM 11/11/98 -0600, Higgs, Simon wrote:
>> From: Joseph Friedman [josephf@touro.edu]
>> At 09:20 AM 11/11/98 -0800, Christopher Ambler wrote:
>> >>> Add as many new gTLDs as possible.  
>> >>
>> >>The technical opinion that the IAB reached a long while back is that
>> >>adding hundreds of TLDs is technically safe, but that adding
>> >>thousands would take us into unknown territory in terms of
>> >>operational scale, and should be avoided in the foreseeable future.
>> >
>> >The irony being that there are only a handful of companies that want
>> >to be registries, representing, at most, 30 TLDs.
>> But there are MANY generic terms that many people want to use 
>> as a TLD.
>The list of TLD applications to IANA was posted to the iahc-discuss list
>by Jon Postel. There were about 150 TLD applications by about 35
>companies (the proposal at the time was for each company to serve 3 TLDs
>Please show us the documentation for the "thousands" of "generic terms"
>that have been submitted as TLD applications.

My point was that registrants want to use Many different generic terms. 

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