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Be careful what you wish for. . .
I chose this subject header because I recently recommended using the IANA
Bylaws V3 as a baseline for the final document. Never did I imagine the
result would foreclose any input, amendment, or ratification by all of the
stakeholders in this process save two--IANA and NSI.
Participants from Asia are now awakening to the news that the editorial and
ratification meetings have been cancelled; that stakeholders located in
Asia, Europe and South America have no further word in this process; that
all these plenary sessions, working group reports, definitions of
consensus, flood of email messages, etc. would boil down to negotiations
between two U.S. entities--IANA and NSI.
While it is good news that these two are partnering in a proposal, it's
*very* disappointing to see this global process close down when we hit the
ten yard line. Will the concerns of other regions be accommodated? Will
the bylaws contain a means of BOD accountability to the Internet community?
We don't know and apparently won't until IANA and NSI deliver the
documents unto like Moses on the Mount with his stone tablets.
I expect there will be many unhappy souls who will conclude that they have
been wasting their time, been deliberately misled, been strung along in the
false pursuit of an open and international process.
What's the expression--You dance with the one who brings you to the party.
Some party, indeed.
Ellen Rony "qui me amat, amat et canem meam"
Co-author: The Domain Name Handbook //
http://www.domainhandbook.com *=" ____ /
erony@marin.k12.ca.us \ )
+1 (415) 435-5010 || ||
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