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Re: [ifwp] RE: Better Safe, than Sorry! (was: It's been a pleasure)

Peter Farmer said:

> I believe that there is a better approach than to create a complete set 
> of "consensus documents." 
> I suggest that those who now feel "left out" of the process come up with 
> a FINITE (3 to 5) number of key concerns/amendments to IANA's 
> current draft. 

I don't think that will be productive until we see what "consensus document" 
IANA and NSI have come out with.  Frankly, DNRC can't come up with only 3 to 5 
issues with the IANA draft.  

I'm hoping to see something from the IANA/NSI meetings that we can work with a 
bit easier.

Mikki Barry               A-TCPIP/Domain Name Rights Coalition
President                                  www.domain-name.org

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