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Re: Something I probably shoudln't send (was: Re: newIANA (was...)
From: peterd@bunyip.com (Peter Deutsch)
I've tried unsuccessfully for months to figure out what is making the
"foes of the cabal" so angry and the only theories I come up with are not
all that flattering. Judging from the contents of the message you sent,
you're clearly furious but frankly I don't see what you could hope to
accomplish with this note
I think it's pretty obvious to most onlookers what the situation is with
respect to the complaints of Messrs Jeff Williams, Jim Fleming, Bob Allisat,
and all that crew.
There is no *useful* rational answer you can make to their points because i)
their complaints are usually based on a completely wrong model of reality, and
ii) even when you explain the true state of affairs, the effort is completely
Their signal/noise ratio is small enough (and the Internet community is large
enough that any useful points will undoubtly be made by someone else) that
the most cost-effective way to handle their complaints is to round-file them.
Note that we need *everyone* to do this *without responding*. Responding just
keeps them going.
We have a limited amount of energy/time/bandwidth, and lots of serious
problems. Let's not waste any of it.
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