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Re: Supplemental Answers for Congress

Jay and all,

Jay Fenello wrote:

> FYI, in case you missed it . . .
> >Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 17:33:40 -0400
> >From: Jay Fenello <Jay@iperdome.com>
> >To: Multiple recipients of list <com-priv@lists.psi.com>
> >Subject: Re: Supplemental Answers for Congress
> >
> >At 10:21 PM 7/10/98 +0100, Jim Dixon wrote:
> >>> - The take-over of the open GIAW process under the IFWP banner. This has
> >>> been orchestrated by Barb Dooley of the CIX, and appears to be a hand
> >>> selected group of large trade associations. No process has been defined for
> >>> invitation to the steering committee, their meetings have been closed, and
> >>> many of the original organizers of the GIAW event were simply removed
> >>> without explanation. One week after the unanimous support for a "fair, open
> >>> and transparent" process at the GIAW event, the IFWP steering committee is
> >>> still practicing their secret ways.
> >>
> >>Jay, you know better than this.  The only criteria for joining the
> >>steering committee are that participants represent non-profit groups
> >>and that they be willing to participate in conference calls (about
> >>one hour long, about every 2-3 days).
> >
> >Jim, if that were true, I would not have had to submit
> >my comments as written.
> >
> >As I understand it, CORE is a qualifying organization.
> >They officially requested to participate in the Steering
> >Committee.  They have been refused.  They said so at the
> >EC meeting.
> >
> >This is not the only inconsistency.
> On June 23rd, I asked Barbara Dooley to include
> someone from Open-RSC on the Steering Committee.
> She refused because it was not a 501(c).
> For the record, Open-RSC is an open, virtual
> confederation with its main web server based
> in Canada.  It is dedicated towards a fair,
> open, technically sound global Internet policy.
> http://www.open-rsc.org/about/what/
> >"We, as the founding participants of the ORSC are a group
> >of people with varied backgrounds and interests which we
> >have collectively found to have a single common focus on
> >helping to resolve the difficult problems of developing an
> >open cooperative governing process for the Internet, and
> >specifically for an OPEN ROOT SERVICE CONFEDERATION. We
> >find that we have a common belief in the power of self
> >organization as it applies to Internet Governance, and we
> >are openly working toward helping that self organizing
> >process along.

  Thank you Jay for this piece of information.  It should be made as part of the
public record.  I hope it is.

> Regards,
> Jay Fenello
> President, Iperdome, Inc.
> 404-250-3242  http://www.iperdome.com
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> "None of us knows where all this is heading, but if we get
> it right, we have an opportunity that only comes once every
> couple of hundred years."
>                                   -- Ira C. Magaziner


Jeffrey A. Williams
DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
E-Mail jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com

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