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Re: Tired of Waiting
>> And how is this control tempered by being non-profit?
>People were quite concerned about the issue of CORE being properly
>overseen when the IAHC was running, so we created a regulatory
>system. CORE's activities were to be tightly controlled by the POC and
>the PAB. That was why we created the POC and PAB. They were there to
>make sure CORE stuck to being a tiny organization that did nothing but
>manage a registry database at minimal cost.
>> CORE has just as much control over .firm as IOD has over .web.
>Nope. Sorry, but that just isn't true. We thought of this problem and
>addressed it.
Well, we're just going to disagree, then. I think there is ample
evidence that POC and PAB are the entities that have just as much
control over .firm as IOD has over .web as NSI has over .com, then.
POC and PAB might, as you say, make sure CORE sticks to
being an organization that does nothing by manage a registry
database, but they could also decide that CORE needs to
finance another venture, also non-profit, but at such a cost that
the price rises. CORE might need another couple T3s, for
example. Who knows?
Christopher Ambler
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