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Re: Tired of Waiting

This person is not in my kill file (yet), so I recently saw a message
claiming something that I thought we had long ago put to rest, and it
was at least somewhat related to our work in the IETF.  Other CCs are
now BCC'd:

> From: "Roeland M.J. Meyer" <rmeyer@mhsc.com>
> that IANA HAD a process for registering TLDs, and the first time someone
> tries to use it there is a policy change disallowing new TLD registrations.
I am unable to find the RFC where this process is described.  Could
someone point out the specifics?  The latest policy that I can find
(still in force as far as I can tell), is as follows:

RFC-1591 (1994):

   In the Domain Name System (DNS) naming of computers there is a
   hierarchy of names.  The root of system is unnamed.  There are a set
   of what are called "top-level domain names" (TLDs).  These are the
   generic TLDs (EDU, COM, NET, ORG, GOV, MIL, and INT), and the two
   letter country codes from ISO-3166.  It is extremely unlikely that
   any other TLDs will be created.

To the best of my knowledge, we have not finalized any other process,
although we sent representatives to the IAHC to aid in developing a
process.  But IANA serves the IAB, and the IAB has not yet issued a new
RFC describing a change in process (despite urging to do so), nor has it
designated any other body to serve as a new IANA.

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