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Statement of support for the "Boston Group" proposals


A set of individuals that refer to themselves as the "Boston Group" met
last weekend to draft a set of changes to the proposed ICANN Articles of
Incorporation and Bylaws.
(See http://www.cavebear.com/bwg/coverletter.html )

I have reviewed their draft and found it to be an intelligent attempt at
refining the ICANN drafts that (1) allowed for a more cohesive and
complete set of documents and (2) created an organization that adhered
more closely to the goals set forth in the White Paper.

In particular, I applaud their suggestions regarding full disclosure of
conflicts of interest by Board members and officers, openness in the
Corporation's operation, and, most importantly, mandatory creation of a

One area where the ICANN drafts are wholly deficient are in their
failure to state how at-large members of the interim Board are to be
selected.  The Boston Group proposes direct election by those who have
taken part in the ICWP activities.  This proposal is not problem free.
However, if the alternative were to be a closed process of selection by
"insiders," I find direct election vastly superior.

The Boston Group has made serious suggestions that are worthy of
consideration.  I urge the incorporation of their suggestions regarding
openness and creation of a membership into the final documents for the
Corporation, prior to any action by the US Government to devolve its
authority for the Internet naming and address system to that

Respectfully yours,
Pete Farmer
Peter J. Farmer                    mailto:pfarmer@strategies-u.com
Strategies Unlimited               Voice: +1 650 941 3438
201 San Antonio Circle, Suite 205  Fax:   +1 650 941 5120
Mountain View, CA 94040            WWW:   http://www.strategies-u.com

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