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Legal action?

We have today heard rumors about a multi-million dollar lawsuit that
might be about to be served on NSI, the University of Southern
California regarding the re least one TLD delegation. 

We understand this might relate to IANAs failure to follow its own
published rules (presumably RFC1591.)

Since IANA doesn't have statutory authority, it seems to us that must
open up its officers to unlimited personal liability for damages.

It also raised the question that if the threatened lawsuit does come to
pass, then would seem that the main person concerned in drawing up the
model for the future IANA hasn't been following their own existing

What sort of message is this going to send to the world at large? It
will seriously damage everything we've all be working so hard to achieve
over the last 2 or 3 months. 

And whoever it is who decided to start revoking TLD registrations at
this most sensitive time will be the sole party responsible for it.

So what is going on? 

Surely it is in the interest of everyone involved that the only
published terms of delegation (RFC1591) be followed and, as we said,
only the other day, RFC1591 must be our starting point for the future.

Maybe there should be a class action on behalf of all TLD managers to
make sure this is kept to?

P. S Won't IANA Mk2 as the successor to IANA be liable
for any resulting damages from any lawsuit?

                      God Bless You,

Sean Jackson, 3 Adams Road, Cambridge, CB3 9AD, United Kingdom.
Tel: 01223 464 800                     Fax: 0171 681 1268

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