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3rd draft proposals for by-laws

ICIIU omments on 3rd Draft of By-laws:

	The ICIIU recognizes that an attempt has been made, represented
	most notably by Art. VI Secs. 8 and 9(C) and Art.VII Sec. 3, to
provide a mechanism for the inclusion of individuals and organizations
representing the user public in the functioning of the new IANA, and
commends the IANA in this.
	We feel, however, that it is not enough to merely suggest the
	possibility of including the user public in the new IANA, but
to actually include it from the outset by stipulating the initial
existence of a supporting organization or organizations whose members,
or some significant proportion of whose members, derive from this
	Until that is achieved, the ICIIU cannot give its vote in
	support of the proposed by-laws, and must maintain its position
that the new IANA, organized under the by-laws so far proposed, which
do not give a voice, or give an insufficient voice, to the users of the
services it pretends to control, will not be a legal entity as
envisaged by the amendments to the Constitution of the United States
that pertain to free speech and democratic process, nor as layed down
by the federal laws regarding the regulation of telecommunications in
the public interest.

                                   --- Michael Sondow, for the ICIIU.

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