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"snipers", "creamers" and "marginal players"
FYI, for tomorrow's CC:
>Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 22:28:10 -0400
>To: domain-policy@open-rsc.org
>From: Gordon Cook <cook@cookreport.com>
>Subject: Choices Faced by ISOC, IFWP and the Internet- What is likely to
> Happen and a reply to Don Health
>The Choices We Face
>We are now in the end game, things are becoming nasty.
>ISOC would like the closed-door process of new IANA corp by-law generation
>to continue. It is trying as hard as it possibly can to control and
>channel the IFWP process so that it can step forward and hand Jon's bylaws
>to Becky Burr who may be expected to bless them and hand them on to Ira for
>ratification. Becky and Jon get along just fine. My sources report to me
>that given ISOC's anti NSI feelings and Becky's shared disdain for NSI,
>they consider this to be the most likely sellout of the Internet's
>commercial interests to be coming down the pike. When considering his
>propensity to lash out when he would be better served by keeping quiet,let
>there be no mistaking Don's self interest. Has anyone managed to find a
>copy of Don's contract on the ISOC web site? Would be interesting to know
>for how many more years ISOC is locked into paying his salary.
>On the other hand there is some hope left in the IFWP process which
>explains why Heath and Abril abhore it so.
>The steering committee is not surprisingly fixated on the compromise
>meeting to be scheduled between now and the ratification meeting in mid
>september. The compromise meeting is the key. It is the one that the
>ISOCians have not yet agreed to. It is expected to be small..... less than
>thirty people and will hopefully be run by professor Lessing. Amadeau
>Abril and the ISOCians would like not more than ten. (Lets see who they
>might be: Iana, Isoc, Poc, pab, core, IAB, Arin, ripe, APnic and NSI.) A
>stacked deck. Left out would be open orsc, ispc, dnrc, euro ispc, CIX,
>APNIA (asian isp assoc - I may have the initials wrong), the CAIP (Canadian
>ISP assoc), ISPC association and AIM.
>IF PROFESSORS FRANKEL and LESSING CAN identify the right stake holders and
>get them in a room with food and sleeping bags and not let them go until
>they do compromise, then we will likely see draft articles and by-laws that
>a ratification meeting can accept. i wish him well and I hope someone is
>working with him getting him up to speed. it will be critcical that he
>makes the right choice of which stake holders to invite.
>Abril's fear of failure is, given such circumstances, unwarranted. What
>he fears is getting into a situation where ISOC and IANA will have to
>compromise. This is what these people have long been determined not to do.
>If the ISOCians don't torpedo the process we still have a chance of
>succeeding. If however they deprive us of a compromise and ratification
>meeting, then NSI, Open Orsc, CIX, ISP/C, DNRC, AIM and anyone elese like
>minded better immediately plan for legal action and congressional
Jay Fenello
President, Iperdome, Inc.
404-250-3242 http://www.iperdome.com
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