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Re: Parental Models and Neighborhoods

Jim and all,

Jim Fleming wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Crocker <dcrocker@BRANDENBURG.COM>
> <snip>
> >
> >>Tamar Frankal said something that I find germane here: "One bad apple can
> >spoil
> >
> >germane, yes, but quite wrong, bordering on the absurd.  it is, frankly
> >(small pun) an essentially parental model of participation, and entirely
> >inappropriate when assessing registrar practises that are not directed
> >related to their interactions with the registry.
> >
> Dave,
> Speaking of "parental models"...and extending that to
> families and neighborhoods...let's look at some history...
> In a recent interview with Jon Postel, a reporter noted
> that Jon Postel went to high school with Vinton Cerf
> in California. Apparently, your brother Steve Crocker
> went to the same high-school. Jon Postel appointed
> you to the IAHC and clearly must know your brother
> Steve who people claim is an experienced computer
> scientist. Is that the case ?

  Good question Jim.  >;)  Well Dave, Jon or Vinton?  Of course we don't expect
as they have very rarely answered any question put to them directly.

> Now, from what I understand, your brother Steve Crocker
> was responsible for writing the first RFC and I noticed
> in an interview that he wrestled with the issue of being
> one of the only people that could "do it" yet not feeling
> that he should write it because he lacked any "authority"
> to write it and by calling it a "Request for Comments" he
> hoped to lighten that mental burden. Is that the case ?

  Another good question Jim.  >;)

> Now, let's return to the topics of parents, authority, and
> neighborhoods. Is it possible that some of the people
> that think they have authority over the Internet have
> derived that authority via a long chain that can be traced
> all the way back to high-school and in some cases
> common "parents" ?
> If so, would you agree that the Internet has grown to
> a point where maybe these "school yard relationships"
> are not the appropriate measure of who should be
> viewed as the leaders of the IPv4 Internet ? In other
> words, it might be someone else's "turn" to play on
> the swing-set.

  Well heaven forbid such a suggestion!  <Gasp!>  (Sarcasm intended)

> If you do feel that they are still valid, then do you see
> how some people may feel the need to use "parental
> models" to try to provide some guidance to the people
> that think they are the authorities of the Internet ?

  Good question yet again Jim.  ANd it appears that that may be necessary with
some of these
fellows, or shall we say "Young Lads"?

> Is it possible that one of the reasons why the world is
> seeing such naive solutions coming from the people
> that think they are the Internet leaders is because they
> have not progressed beyond their high-school days
> and still view all of this as a game that they have been
> allowed to play for so many years without adult supervision ?

  Very well could be indeed Jim.  At least from some of their action it appears
to be that this may indeed be the case.  They should be sent to their rooms
without dinner.

> Is is also possible that people are now reacting in
> a negative way to having adult supervision being
> imposed on their game ? Is that why you find the
> parental model to be inappropriate ?

  And again that certainly is one way yo view some of Dave's statements and
actions.  Most especially Dave Crockers propensity to character assassination
that he has been so prone to.

> Jim Fleming
> Unir Corporation - http://www.unir.com


Jeffrey A. Williams
DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
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