From Fri Oct 2 19:09:22 1998 From: Date: Sat, 03 Oct 1998 03:12:27 +0100 MIME-Version: 1.0 To: CC: Subject: Support for 5th Version of ByLaws Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit May I add my support for the 5th version of the new IANA ByLaws I still have a concern about the clause (c), Section 1. GENERAL POWERS, ARTICLE IV: POWERS I feel that the Powers section should contain positive empowering statements rather than negative statements, and that clause (c) in particular could be too restrictive and put too great an onus on the Board to show cause for every action taken. Suggested alternative clause (c ): "The Corporation shall apply its standards, policies, procedures and practices to advance its objectives, taking due care that the interests of any particular party are not unreasonably and unjustifiably harmed." Dennis