From Wed Oct 7 01:53:12 1998 From: "Siegfried Langenbach" To: Date: Wed, 7 Oct 1998 10:53:51 +0100 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Subject: 5th version draft aticles and bylaws Dear Sir, CSL is a medium-sized ISP in Germany. Our clients are only firms and organisations, no privats. We are deeply involved in the discussion since one year. We want to express our agreement to the 5th version, dated Sept. 28. 1998, even concidering that it does not fit 100 % of what we wanted. We are confident to be on the right way with your engagement. -- ___________________________________________________________ MfG = Regards Voice +49 211 86767 21 Siegfried Langenbach CSL GmbH Voice +49 211 86767 21 Fax 86767 10 ___________________________________________________________