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Application for gTLD; intention to only use for one registered domain name

  • To: <2gtld-transition@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Application for gTLD; intention to only use for one registered domain name
  • From: "Hammersley, Faye M." <FAYE.M.HAMMERSLEY@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 14:38:50 -0400

Can applicants apply for a new gTLD and use it for only one domain name?
For example, apply for ".companyname" and use only that gTLD to redirect
to the applicant's ".com" home page?


Faye M. Hammersley
Science Applications International Corporation 

Senior Counsel -- Intellectual Property
Voice (703) 676-6734  Fax (703) 448-7732
E-Mail Address: faye.m.hammersley@xxxxxxxx

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