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Comments for module 5
- To: <2gtld-transition@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Comments for module 5
- From: "Yoav Keren" <yoav@xxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 00:29:33 +0300
The following are my comments for module 5 of the New gTLD Applicant
Guidebook Version 2:
Section 5.2.1 - Question 2 - DNSSEC:
The guidebook should be very clear whether implementing DNSSEC is going
to be a requirement to run a new gTLD registry. ICANN must take into
consideration that applicants from different countries may be caught in
the middle between an ICANN requirement for DNSSEC and a local
government that objects to DNSSEC implementation. Thus, if this issue is
not clarified in the guidebook applicant may find themselves in a
problematic local legal situation long after they have spent significant
funds in the application process.
Section 5.2.1 - Question 5 - IPv6 Reachability:
IPv6 implementation is still rare around the world, and especially
outside of the US. Finding an IPv6 ISP and co-location hosting center
outside of the US will be very hard in the near future (especially with
the current world economic situation), and will create an obstacle
mainly for IDN applicants. To ensure the diversity of applicants and new
gTLD registries this requirement should be removed.
Section 5.2.1 - Question 6 - Escrow Deposit Sample:
The guidebook should be clear whether the Escrow Provider can be a
non-US based escrow company. ICANN must take into consideration that
applicants from different countries may be caught in the middle between
an ICANN requirement for a US based escrow service provider and local
country laws that collide with that requirement.
Section 5.2.2:
There is no clear definition of "a creditworthy financial institution"
from which an applicant should provide a financial instrument. Thus,
while in different countries local banks may be considered as
creditworthy, it should be clarified by ICANN at this point what is the
exact requirement, taking into consideration the current world economic
situation. This is important so that non-US applicants will not find at
a late stage of the process that their local bank is not accepted by
ICANN. Furthermore - it is important that ICANN will find the way to
accept worldwide financial instruments to ensure the geographical
diversity of new gTLD registries and to especially encourage new IDN
Yoav Keren
Domain The Net Technologies Ltd.
81 Sokolov st. Tel: +972-3-7600500
Ramat Hasharon Fax: +972-3-7600505
Israel 47238
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