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dotBZH comment on the Draft Agreement

  • To: 2gtld-transition@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: dotBZH comment on the Draft Agreement
  • From: Matthieu Crédou <m.credou@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 18:00:27 +0200

DotBZH is a proposed gTLD, intending to provide the Breton Cultural and
Linguistic community a specific name space under the .bzh top level domain.
The application of dotBZH will be posted by the French Association www.bzh,
a non-for-profit organization, incorporated in Quimper, France, in July

Considering the public interest of Cultural & Linguistic TLD, we suggest
that ICANN recognizes this specific category of applicants and set a
Registry Fixed Fee of US$2,500 per calendar quarter for all Cultural &
Linguistic TLDs. 

Please find attached herewith our comment in pdf format.  
Matthieu Crdou

Charg de mission 
Tl: 02 98 10 00 30
Mob: 06 25 19 13 87 
Association www.bzh
Un domaine Internet pour la culture et les langues bretonnes 
Un astenn Kenrouedad evit ar vreizhadelezh 
An Internet domain for the Breton culture and languages

Attachment: [pikbzh]ICANN Draft Agreement.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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