BITS Comments Regarding Draft Applicant Guidebook, Version 3
Though previously sent to Rod Beckstrom copying this email address, this email is specifically to the Version 3 Guide response email to assure the document reaches ICANN. Paul Smocer Paul N. Smocer Vice President, Security BITS 1001 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Ste 500S Washington, DC 20004 Telephone: (202) 589-2437 Cellular: (202) 236-0989 Fax: (202) 628-2492 Email: pauls@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:pauls@xxxxxxxxxxx> Website: <> "This e-mail is intended solely for the addressee(s) and may be legally privileged and/or confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution, forwarding or use of the contents of this email, including any information in attachments, is prohibited. Additionally, if you are not an intended addressee, please delete this email and attachments and all copies from your system, destroy any hard copies and immediately notify the sender by telephone (202.289.4322) or by email. Any unauthorized retention, use or disclosure of this email and/or attachments may be unlawful." "To Unsubscribe to all emails from this sender, please reply to this email and type "Unsubscribe All" in the Subject line or as the text of your reply. To Unsubscribe to emails addressing a particular subject from this sender, please reply to this email and type "Unsubscribe" and subject to which you would like to unsubscribe in the Subject line or as the text of your reply. Thank you." Attachment:
BITS Comments on ICANN Draft Applicant Guidebook v3 (Final with Attachment).pdf |