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gTLD Applicant Guidebook Version 3 (V3) comment
- To: <3gtld-guide@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: gTLD Applicant Guidebook Version 3 (V3) comment
- From: "Scott Roberts" <sroberts@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2009 21:58:25 -0600
We are against the introduction of new gTLD's without a clear
and provable demand from consumers and users of the proposed extension.
Simply to add extensions because businesses want to sell them, or registries
want to operate them, is not good enough to demonstrate the need or desire
these extensions.
Proposed registries should be required to show and prove demand from
prior the awarding of any extension.
Furthermore, we oppose any variable domain pricing in favor of specific
dollar amount caps.
Scott Roberts, Principal Consultant
Khamma Group, LLC
cell 217.971.7558

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