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Comment on IP Protectoin
- To: <4gtld-guide@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Comment on IP Protectoin
- From: "Katja Grabienski" <grabienski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2010 16:51:18 +0200
Dear Sirs
We are a German IP boutique representing numerous German and global companies
and their intellectual property rights.
We anticipate that the introduction of an unlimited number of new gTLDs may
provide vast opportunities for bad faith registration which will impact
negatively on intellectual property owners. Moreover, consumers will be
effected. Consumers will be confused and not only will consumers be likely to
fall for fraudulent domain name use such as phishing etc. Eventually,
consumers will lose their trust into trademarks as guides in the more and more
global market. This will leave consumers without guidance when buying goods or
ICANN´s proposed Rights Protection Measures must be improved. In particular we
suggest that the proposed URS is reviewed again: intellectual property owners
need a mechanism to take down infringing sites within 14 days and without
significant cost. We also request ICANN to invest in contract compliance to
ensure that registry owners and registrars maintain accurate whois and do not
warehouse domains. We support WIPO´s call for the URS and the PDDRP to be
With kind regards.
Sincerely yours
Katja Grabienski
Katja Grabienski
Rechtsanwältin / Junior Partnerin
Fachanwältin für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz
(Attorney-at-Law / Junior Partner)
(Certified Specialist in Intellectual Property Law)
JONAS Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Hohenstaufenring 62
50674 Köln / Cologne, Germany
Tel. +49 (0)221 27758-0
Dir. +49 (0)221 27758-218
Fax +49 (0)221 27758-1
Amtsgericht Köln, HRB 59300
Geschäftsführer: Kay Uwe Jonas, Dr. Martin Viefhues, Karl Hamacher, Dr. Nils
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