[no subject]
Dear Sirs, Please find attached comments from trade mark bodies MARQUES and ECTA. Yours faithfully, Andrew Mills Chair Internet Committee ECTA Andrew Mills Head of Intellectual Property & Litigation Solicitor & European Trademark Attorney Experian | Landmark House | Experian Way | Nottingham | NG80 1ZZ | United Kingdom | T: +44 (0) 115 828 6425 | M: +44 (0) 7854 116 179 | F: +44(0)115 828 6342 | andrew.mills@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For internal colleagues, visit www.experian.co.uk/legal-compliance to get help on legal and compliance matters This e-mail has come from Experian, the only business to have been twice named the UK's 'Business of the Year’ =================================================================================== Information in this e-mail and any attachments is confidential, and may not be copied or used by anyone other than the addressee, nor disclosed to any third party without our permission. There is no intention to create any legally binding contract or other binding commitment through the use of this electronic communication unless it is issued in accordance with the Experian Limited standard terms and conditions of purchase or other express written agreement between Experian Limited and the recipient. Although Experian has taken reasonable steps to ensure that this communication and any attachments are free from computer virus, you are advised to take your own steps to ensure that they are actually virus free. Companies Act information: Registered name: Experian Limited Registered office: Landmark House, Experian Way, NG2 Business Park, Nottingham, NG80 1ZZ, United Kingdom Place of registration: England and Wales Registered number: 653331 Attachment:
ECTA-MARQUES Comments to ICANN 21-7-10 on DAG v4.pdf |