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dotKöln comments on the New gTLD April 2011 Discussion Draft
- To: <6gtld-guide@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: dotKöln comments on the New gTLD April 2011 Discussion Draft
- From: "Thomas Lenz" <thomas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 16 May 2011 09:11:22 +0200
Dear Sirs,
at dotKöln, we are very pleased to see the progress that the Applicant
Guidebook and the whole process have made and look forward to the release of
the Final Applicant Guidebook in June 2011!
The one issue that we want to comment on is the mandatory reservation of 2
character strings in new gTLDs. That is not understandable and not backed by
a proper community discussion. In Germany, no confusion has been reported so
far after the introduction of two character labels at the second level.
There are several examples like fr.de or it.de that have not caused any
reported confusion or irritation.
In addition, there is reason to assume that the proposed reservation of 2
character labels will create legal challenges for many new gTLDs. In 2010
for instance, German competition and trademark legislation forced the
operator of .de, DENIC, to release all two-character labels.
We therefore urge ICANN to reconsider this issue and remove the mandatory
reservation of Two-Character Labels from the guidebook and all related
Thank you very much for the opportunity to comment and the tremendous
progress of the past months.
Thomas Lenz
Geschäftsführer / Managing Director
dotKöln Top-Level-Domain GmbH
c/o a&o buero
Richmodstrasse 31
50667 Köln
Fon: +49-160-979 24 207
email: <mailto:thomas@xxxxxxxxxxx> thomas@xxxxxxxxxxx
<http://www.dotkoeln.de/> www.dotkoeln.de < <http://www.dotkoeln.de/>
dotKöln Top-Level-Domain GmbH | Richmodstrasse 31 | 50667 Köln | Amtsgericht
Köln: HRB 67288 | Geschäftsführer: Thomas Lenz
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