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Forming an At-Large Supporting Organization

  • To: forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Forming an At-Large Supporting Organization
  • From: Danny Younger <dannyyounger@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 13:05:04 -0800 (PST)

The following request was sent to the Chair of the
ALAC.  I have asked for feedback from the ALAC.  When
such feedback materializes, I will post their comments
to this Forum.  Let's see if the Committee is willing
to engage in an extended discussion on this topic...


Please forward this basic proposal to your associates
on the ALAC:

1.  Supporting Organizations are ICANN Structures that
through a Council elect representatives to the ICANN

2.  Supporting Organizations Councils are populated by
distinct groups (in the GNSO those distinct groups are
the six Constituencies).

3.  The At-Large Study Committee, having found broad
support, recommended the creation of a Supporting
Organization for the At-Large (the ALSO).

4.  The ALSO and its Council can be populated by
distinct groups.  Those distinct groups would be the
certified at-large structures and an all-inclusive
Assembly for non-affiliated individuals).

5.  The distinct groups of the ALSO through their
Council can elect representatives to the Board just as
the GNSO constituencies through their Council elect
representatives to the ICANN Board.

6.  The At-Large Study Committee recommended that one
third of the Board be populated by the At-Large (five
out of fifteen Board members).

7.  The ALSO will have a five regions structure.  Each
region will elect a representative to the Board.

This basic proposal offers an indirect election
methodology as a path forward -- the same path that is
used by other Supporting Organizations -- this serves
to answer the Board's concern over the feasibility of
global elections.

In my view, it is time to start fighting for the
representation that is our due.  Please let me know
the views of your peers.

Danny Younger

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