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ICANN's time must come to an end.

  • To: forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: ICANN's time must come to an end.
  • From: barbecue <barbecue@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2006 19:24:08 -0500

With their decision to endorse and approve of Verisign's reprehensible conduct, ICANN has utterly betrayed the entire internet community, and has permanently lost my trust, and the trust of every person who values openness and stability on the internet.

Versign has already proven beyond any trace of a doubt that they are willing, ready and able to hijack and hold hostage the entire domain name system in pursuit of profits, despite the fact that doing so is a clear and egregious breach of their contractual obligations. Furthermore, Verisign remains to this day unrepentant and arrogant in their insistence that they can do whatever they like with the domain name system, without regard for contractual obligations or ethical considerations.

With wanton and irresponsible disregard for their core mission, ICANN has decided not merely to disregard this abuse, but to actively reward it. Thanks to ICANN's hopelessly flawed decision, we can now look forward to further abuses and possibly criminal acts by Verisign. And let there be no misconception, there WILL be a next time. Verisign's own officers have made it abundantly clear that they consider the DNS their personal cash cow entitlement.

ICANN's decision defies all reason, and flies in the face of every ethical consideration. There simply can be no rational explanation for ICANN's flagrant abuse of their responsibility. One is left wondering just what sort of pressure Verisign was able to bring to bear on ICANN's membership to purchase this boondoggle. I'm deeply concerned about the possibility of illicit pressure being brought to bear.

The current situation is untenable. ICANN cannot be trusted anymore. The only reasonable options at this stage are to dismantle the organization and start completely from scratch, or to build a new, internationally based DNS which renders ICANN irrelevant.

The people of the Internet community need and deserve a system that cannot be hijacked at will by a greedy and corrupt company. To prevent future abuses and acts of cyber-blackmail, the hopelessly corrupt and broken ICANN/Verisign hegemony must be dismantled or rendered irrelevant as soon as possible.

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