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[alac] Bylaws edit for ALS votes

  • To: ALAC <alac@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [alac] Bylaws edit for ALS votes
  • From: Vittorio Bertola <vb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 19:18:36 +0200


as per the action points agreed in Luxembourg, I am coming back to you with a proposal for a change in the Bylaws, so to modify the current threshold for the accreditation of At Large Structures.

Currently the ICANN Bylaws say, in paragraph 4(i) of section XI.2:

"Decisions to certify or de-certify an At-Large Structure shall require a 2/3 vote of all of the members of the ALAC and shall be subject to review according to procedures established by the Board."

I would propose to modify this into:

"Decisions to certify or de-certify an At-Large Structure shall require a 2/3 majority among all of the members of the ALAC who cast a valid and non-abstaining vote, provided that at least 9 (nine) members of the ALAC cast a vote (counting abstentions), that at least 7 (seven) calendar days are provided for members of the ALAC to cast their vote, and that appropriate online means are used to allow remote participation in the vote. These decisions shall be subject to review according to procedures established by the Board."

It is a bit complex, but I think that the two additional warranties would be recommendable to prevent capture by a small majority through the so-called "power of the (bad) Chair", ie through 10-minute votes or through not allowing people who can't be physically present to cast their vote.

Otherwise, we could just say 2/3 over at least 9 votes with procedures adopted by the Committee, and cross our fingers.

Comments? Also, could the lawyers please check whether there are any obvious faults in my language? (We would submit this to Jeffreys anyway.)

BTW - At 4(d), Bylaws also mention "The Chair" (singular). I will come back to you about this asap, we need to agree and, if we want to change our officers structure, possibly submit just one comprehensive proposal including all Bylaws edits we would like.

vb.             [Vittorio Bertola - v.bertola [a] bertola.eu.org]<-----
http://bertola.eu.org/  <- Prima o poi...

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