[alac] Preparing Tel Conf Call
All, I prepared a schedule for our telefon conference call on thursday, may 4th, 13.30 UTC. Please let me know, if you want anything to change or add. *Reports from liaisons (10 mins) --Board, Roberto --GNSO, Bret (including update on ongoing PDPs and opportunity for ALAC input) --WHOIS, Wendy --IDN, Hong --WIPO2, Sebastian --CCNSO, any progress w/ liaison? *Planning for Marrakech (15 mins) --travel logistics (dates) --workshops (RALO/others) --non-committee-member invitations (regional members, experts) --working with non-ALAC parts of ICANN (joint projects or meetings with GNSO constituencies, other SOs, Board, GAC) *Ongoing ALAC work (25 mins) --reports from budget committee --ongoing PDPs (if not covered in Bret's report) --forming task forces/working groups --outreach --pending ALSs --report on RALO progress/Roadmap --self review --report from Denise on progress on Operational plan *ALAC positions (review of vice chairs, tf/wg, and liaisons) *Improving ALAC work processes (if any time is left, otherwise to discuss on mailing list) --website --make better use of webtools *Other business *Reminder: Next conference call, June 8th.