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RES: please add comments from LACRALO
- To: <at-large-r3-white-paper@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RES: please add comments from LACRALO
- From: <sylvia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2013 16:48:40 -0200
Im sending agian!!
Sylvia Herlein
<mailto:sylvia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> sylvia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Secretaria LACRALO-ICANN/ 2012-2013 - <http://atlarge.icann.org>
Secretaria FLUI 2009-2012
Descrição: Assinatura_Sylvia_Internautabrasil
De: sylvia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:sylvia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Enviada em: miércoles, 02 de enero de 2013 21:07
Para: 'at-large-r3-white-paper@xxxxxxxxx'
Cc: JOSE ARCE; Cintra Sooknanan <cintra.sooknanan@xxxxxxxxx>
Assunto: please add comments from LACRALO
Dear Heidi, please accept this comments from LACRALO.
They also in our wiki:
Tks, Sylvia
Making ICANN Relevant, Responsive and Respected" (R3 White Paper)
The White Paper's introduction mentions that professionals and internet
users in general consider ICANN has played the role of technical coordinator
quite well, but does not give specific references of this. Generally
throughout the document this continues with no references given to the
sources of the various points that are dealt, which questions the basis upon
which the recommendations are made.
With regard to challenges to adapt to the changes:
1) The Global Public Interest;
We agree that the affirmation of commitments from ICANN has big challenges
ahead and that public interest is a dynamic concept which is not easy to
We observe that the document is unclear, in mentioning that ICANN has a
concept of public interest but does not define that concept. It is
recommended that such definition be inserted for reference purposes.
Further, the definition of "clear strategy of participation" must also be
included; this is useful for readers to know why ICANN needs mechanisms for
creating balanced input of its constituent units as part of the
Multi-stakeholder model (perhaps an example would be appropriate), as well
as the ways in which participation mechanisms can take place.
In the strategic area of focus "A healthy ecosystem of Internet governance"
within the strategic plan, some strategic objectives are ease of global
participation, increase the diversity of stakeholders and increase of
diversity of stakeholders' work. Also within the roles of the Board is as
follows: "The fundamental responsibility of Directors (as defined below) is
to exercise their business judgment to act in what they reasonably believe
to be the best interests of ICANN and in the global public interest, taking
account of the interests of the Internet community as a whole rather than
any individual or interest group."
We agree with the recommendations given by the members of the group.
The term public interest should be part of the ICANN strategic plan, we know
that the plan is divided into 4 approaches
n.pdf, and the public interest is the sum of all of them, therefore the
accountability and impact reports are also important.
(2) T he Multi-Stakeholder System - A choice for the future;
We are in agreement that ICANN has not introduced innovations to the model.
Previous models with greater participation of government agencies and other
influential actors failed, so without doubt this Model is always tested and
must adapt to new realities.
We agree with the Group on the need for real efforts by all parties which
constitute ICANN. The challenge being that the balance is increasingly
difficult to find when participation levels are higher; and it is the same
evolution that makes it necessary to revise the rules, since the conditions
and realities that were considered at the time of its dictates are not the
same today.
We should be more involved with internal communities of ICANN, such as the
We agree with the recommendations given by the members of the group, but
would further recommend that GAC resolutions could be public also.
We believe that the model also requires mobility of people within the
constituent units, since the community recognises that there is the danger
of the same people in the same group of positions or rotating between
themselves, and there is no renewal of new participants.
Likewise, model needs to emphasize scholarship programs, including the
fellowship program, which allows new and greater participation from all
sectors. The development of programs that allow increased participation must
not be neglected.
(3) Global Governance
With respect to internal governance, we agree with the issues raised by the
group with an emphasis on policies of conflicts of interest that have the
greatest impact in the community. A reference document detailing the
weaknesses mentioned in the White Paper should be included.
We agree with the recommendations given by the members of the group and wish
to highlight the importance of the reforms relating to the NOMCOM and the
role of the Ombudsman. These important structures of internal governance
must have transparent and clear functions and procedures.
(4) Institutional and Practical Cooperation
The non technical issues that mentioned the White Paper which have an impact
on the work of ICANN mostly pre-exist ICANN or Internet yet have direct
impact on the internet community in ways such as social, economic, labor and
institutional. Therefore ICANN must assess the impact of their policies to
not adversely affect these non technical aspects in the execution of their
duties. ICANN should therefore interact with all cooperating or coordinating
organizations in the various activities, this will leverage on the
multi-stakeholder model that currently operates.
We agree with the recommendations given by the members of the group. We
underline the need for ensuring permanent but dynamic relations with all
stakeholders in the Internet ecosystem ( <http://icann.xplane.com>
http://icann.xplane.com) and development networks. This may take place
through conventions, work in Assemblies or event organization plans.
ICANN should also take advantage of it own human resources, as the majority
of ICANN participants are also active in many other Internet governance
forums or in institutions relating to the Internet.
Sylvia Herlein
<mailto:sylvia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> sylvia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Secretaria LACRALO-ICANN/ 2012-2013 - <http://atlarge.icann.org>
Secretaria FLUI 2009-2012
Descrição: Assinatura_Sylvia_Internautabrasil

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