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Re: [bc-gnso] status of elections?

  • To: bc - GNSO list <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [bc-gnso] status of elections?
  • From: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 07:47:14 -0600

good idea Steve.

here's the list of positions from the new charter.  by the way, thanks to Gary 
for posting the charter to our web site.

The Constituency will have an Executive Committee comprised as follows:

        • A Chair
        • A Vice Chair for policy coordination
        • A Vice Chair for finance and operations
        • A representative to the Commercial Stakeholder Group
        • Any Constituency members selected as Council members.

The Chair, Vice Chairs, and CSG representative may not simultaneously be 
Council members except in extraordinary circumstance such as a short remaining 
term or lack of nomination.

so we have four positions to elect -- a chair, two vice-chairs and a CSG 

being the sort of fellow that enjoys mopping the floors and ensuring that the 
trains run on time, i'd like to express interest in the finance and operations 
slot.  i'd happily step aside if somebody else had their eye on it though.  i'm 
especially keen to step aside if a woman type person is interested, as i think 
our reps and officers are currently all male (counsellors, credentials 
committee, nom-com rep...  am i missing somebody?) which strikes me as a Bad 

i'll write up a more formal expression of interest over the next few days.  
come on you others, let's get those names in the hat.  :-)


On Nov 25, 2009, at 7:46 AM, Steve DelBianco wrote:

> Philip makes a good case for starting the 4 week election cycle in early
> January.   
> The intervening weeks could be useful, as he says, if we can openly discuss
> the multiple roles available and potential candidate interest.
> I suggest we start by circulating a list of positions.   Would the
> interested candidates out there (you know who you are) be willing to provide
> an "Expression of Interest" ?
> That could be very helpful in distributing our talent widely across the
> field of positions available.
> --Steve DelBianco
> On 11/25/09 4:20 AM, "Philip Sheppard" <philip.sheppard@xxxxxx> wrote:
> On an election timetable, we had discussed this in light of the timing
> specified in the new Charter and intervening events.
> Seoul - just over 
> Charter - just over
> IGF - just over 
> US Thanksgiving weekend is 26 - 29 November
> Eid 27-29 November 
> Christmas a month later, but many people will be absent from 18 December
> this year given the timing of Christmas day.
> Our Charter calls for 2+1+1 = 4 weeks for the election.
> On this basis, we wondered if the better option would be for members to
> discuss during December, who may be interested in doing which job and then
> we would call a formal election period in early January. Otherwise we risk
> rushing the new more relaxed election cycle and undermining exactly what it
> was supposed to achieve.
> Philip

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