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RE: [bc-gnso] BC debrief/encourage members to post regarding their views on the list

  • To: "Marilyn Cade" <marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "Steve Delbianco" <sdelbianco@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "bc - GNSO list" <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>, "jon Nevett" <jon@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [bc-gnso] BC debrief/encourage members to post regarding their views on the list
  • From: "HASSAN Ayesha" <ayesha.hassan@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 10:17:27 +0100

Dear Marilyn and colleagues,


I wanted to flag that the US moves its clocks forward on 14 March and
Europe only 'springs forward' on 28 March, so we need to bear this in
mind for the teleconference next week as the time difference between the
US and some other countries will be reduced by 1 hour.


I cannot make a call on Thursday 18 March at 10am EST with the new time
difference, but can do 9am EST or 11am EST for 1 hour; I can do 9am or
10am EST on Friday for 1 hour.







From: owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of Marilyn Cade
Sent: vendredi 12 mars 2010 09:24
To: Steve Delbianco; bc - GNSO list; jon Nevett
Subject: [bc-gnso] BC debrief/encourage members to post regarding their
views on the list


We are of course using our public list for our exchanges so that all
members and the interested public of business users can read our
updates. Thanks to Steve for his posts. For other members, please do
also share your perspectives on this list.  You are welcome to share
your views about any of the resolutions,  not just those related to gTLD




I will note that I've had a conversation regarding when to hold the
update, and I'm targeting next Thursday or Friday, so mark your
calendars, and stay tuned for a bridge .

For the ExComm, please confirm your availability for both dates, keeping
a focus on 10 a.m. EST which is bearable for Zahid in Pakistan and at 7
a.m. for West Coast, so in the 'friendly' zone. We can also consider 6
a.m. PST and 9 a.m. EST. 


The call will last an hour for members and all who were in Nairobi can
expect a 3 minute speaking slot.  I've reserved 20 minutes for the
policy updates by Zahid, Mike, and Steve -- will turn to you for your
development of an agenda, both with the Councilors, and all Working
Group members. If you need more time, just let me know. 


Finally, we will have a 5 minute update on planning for business
outreach and activites in Brussels, and that will be led by Ayesha and


We have two pending recruits, who tell me they are submitting
applications Monday. If that is underway, I will invite them as
observers to the call. Try to remember to add Jon Nevett in, and we will
have him added shortly. 


Marilyn Cade

BC Chair




Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 03:08:17 -0500
Subject: [bc-gnso] ICANN Board votes to shut-down the EOI program
From: sdelbianco@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx

Resolution cited uncertainty about date for resolution of Overarching
Issues to satisfaction of the board;  difficulty in synchronizing
applications program with EOI; preferring to focus staff on remaining

Resolve to withdraw EOI; and direct CEO to press on with new gTLD
Harald Alstrand: still concerned about risks of many new gTLDs and wants
CEO to be attentive to those risks.
Bruce Tonkin: confusion about purpose(s) of EOI.  Would have given data
on # and nature of strings.  Would have informed applicants to improve
their applications. Staff and community resources are being taken away
from underlying problems; so up-or-down vote is the best way to proceed.
Crocker: primary purpose of EOI was to give magnitude of demand; 
Raimundo changed his mind on EOI because there was lack of consensus for
Resolution Passed: overwhelmingly.    Just one No vote from Michael
Silber (I think)
Michael Silber: EOI had potential benefits and it's a pity its being
thrown out. 

Steve DelBianco
Executive Director
http://www.NetChoice.org and http://blog.netchoice.org 

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