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[bc-gnso] BC Position Statement DRAFT - Baseline Registry Operations Report from KPMG - Action Required by 3/30

  • To: <bc-GNSO@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] BC Position Statement DRAFT - Baseline Registry Operations Report from KPMG - Action Required by 3/30
  • From: "Berry Cobb" <berrycobb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 00:16:00 -0700

Attached is the first draft of the CBUC position statement for the Baseline
Registry Operation report released by ICANN.  Overall, I feel KPMG performed
well and provided meaningful views of the data.  It is ashamed that more
participants were not a part of the sample data.
My Registry operations experience is limited, so I ask the BC team to take a
strong look at the report and the initial comments I provided.  I especially
invite our members that have direct Registry operations experience to
enhance our position about this study and its future use by the gTLD
Evaluation teams.  This material is sure to have a direct impact to the next
Draft Applicant Guidebook version 4 to be released just prior to Brussels.
In a quick review, the following are what I believe to be sections of the
DAGv3 where this study could influence the Application Evaluation Criteria,
or the Application Process both of which will be used by the gTLD Evaluation
1.2.2 Required Documents for Application
1.4.2 Application Form
2.1.2 Applicant Reviews
2.1.3 Registry Services Review
2.2.1 Technical/Operational or Financial Extended Evaluation
2.2.2 DNS Stability Extended Evaluation
2.2.3 Registry Services Extended Evaluation
The comment period closes April 1st, so I ask for your quick turn-around.
As Steve DelBianco eluded to in our last BC call, there are a large number
of comment period closings converging at once.  I thank you for your quick
response.  I will compile all feedback and incorporate changes on 3/30/2010.
Berry Cobb
Infinity Portals LLC
San Jose, CA
http://infinityportals.com <http://infinityportals.com/> 

Attachment: BC_Position_RyBaseline_Draft_03182010.docx
Description: Microsoft Office

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