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[bc-gnso] DRAFT for new Membership Package/Review Comments from Members welcomed

  • To: bc - GNSO list <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] DRAFT for new Membership Package/Review Comments from Members welcomed
  • From: Marilyn Cade <marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 12:05:53 -0400

Dear BC members
I have been working with a small group of members to update and refresh the 
Membership Package, to include new members reference statements, and some 
updates on what the current events /current policy issues. We had sort of 
fallen a bit behind in getting this updated and it was one of the items not 
refreshed after our new Charter so we are prioritizing its update. We also need 
to have it updated so that we can conclude membership recruitment that started 
in Nairobi with a few new member applicants. And of course, so that our 
existing membership has a document of reference to use for internal purposes 
when needed to support your continuation as a BC member. Thanks to our members 
who volunteered to provide initial comments and to the ExComm members. 
This is a final DRAFT Version -- which means that it is now ready for full 
Membership comments and edits. I welcome in line edits, if you don't mind, and 
would really like it if you would put your initials: followed by your edit. 
So, for example, say you were editing the Title:  The ICANN GNSO Business 
Constituency 2010
[MSC: Shouldnt the title be the full title of the BC, e.g. Commercial and 
Business Users Constituency (BC) 2010?]Or you can of course use the inline 
editing mechanism, but put your initialls with your edits, so I can keep track 
of them. 
We will start invoicing members during April, and the fees will remain at the 
2009 level. The document attached has the fee levels incorporated. 
The format is very poor, and I realize that, but it will be prettied up for the 
website. It is really intended for new members, but of course, it is what the 
world reads about us and our purpose and focus, so we need your input and 
I would like to have edits by Friday, April 23.  It is not a policy document, 
but does have to reflect members input and review. We will want to post it that 
next week, if we are in general agreement on content. 
I want to explain one edit I made.  During meetings in Nairobi, there were 
discussions with some industry groups incorporated in non Western counties,who 
have a not for profit status, although they represent commercial members. They 
were uncomfortable with whether they were eligible to join the BC. In the US 
and in Europe, associations have a not for profit status, but have commercial 
members.  The footnote is intended to just be a clarification, without change, 
for any such questions. 
Best Regards
Marilyn CadeBC Chair                                      

Attachment: Business Constituency 2010 versions final.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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