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[bc-gnso] FW: [council] Motion for WHOIS Studies Funding for FY11

  • To: <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] FW: [council] Motion for WHOIS Studies Funding for FY11
  • From: "Mike Rodenbaugh" <icann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 07:00:14 -0700

Fyi that WHOIS studies will be considered at the next Council meeting this
Thurs.  Subject to any objections from Members, the Councilors intend to
support full funding of the two proposed studies and also contingent funding
for a third.  Further info below.  Please let us know any questions.





Mike Rodenbaugh


tel/fax:  +1 (415) 738-8087

http://rodenbaugh.com <http://rodenbaugh.com/> 


From: Steve DelBianco [mailto:sdelbianco@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2010 7:42 AM
To: mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Steve DelBianco; Zahid Jamil
Subject: Re: [council] Motion for WHOIS Studies Funding for FY11


I think this is the right approach.  Although I would recommend $300K + 20%
contingency, or $360,000 total.  

On 4/16/10 11:43 PM, "Mike Rodenbaugh" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Steve, what do you think?

Mike Rodenbaugh
tel/fax:  +1 (415) 738-8087
http://rodenbaugh.com <http://rodenbaugh.com/> 

From: owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Gomes, Chuck
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 1:37 PM
To: GNSO Council
Subject: [council] Motion for WHOIS Studies Funding for FY11
Importance: High

<<Motion for Whois Studies Funding for FY11.doc>> 

In our Council meeting on 1 April I encouraged Councilors and their
respective SGs and Constituencies to develop and propose specfic
recommendations for funding of Whois Studies in the FY11 budget but no such
recommendations were submitted.  Recognizing that the Draft ICANN Budget has
to be posted not later than 17 May and our next Council meeting after the
one on 21 April is not until 20 May, three days later, I decided that we
should try to make a recommendation in our meeting on 21 April.  To
facilitate that possibility I asked Liz to draft the attached motion (also
pasted below).

Because of the lateness of the motion we would need to first approve an
exception to the 8-day GNSO Operating Procedures Requirement for motions
before we could act on this motion.  Also note that the motion has a
placeholder for the amount to be budgeted for Whois Studies.  My personal
opinion is that it would be good to fund at least two studies in FY11 and
even better if we could fund three if they are ready to go, thereby avoiding
very lengthy delays for at least two and maybe three studies.  Based on the
estimates provided for two of the studies, a minimum of $300,000 would be
needed and it might be wise to add a 10% buffer on to that, making it
$330,000.  If we decided to budget for three studies, one of which we do not
have any cost estimates for, we could bump the amount up to $500,000.

In a year of limited financial resources, we cannot guarantee how much will
ultimately be put into the budget but we can should in my opinion at least
make a recommendation for consideration by the community and ultimately the
ICANN Board.


Please discuss this motion with your SGs and Constituencies before our
meeting on Wednesday so that we can act on it using whatever amount we
decide at that time if possible.

Discussion on the list is encouraged and, if anyone is willing to second it
without the amount inserted, that is welcome as well.  If anyone would
rather see an amount inserted, we can insert one that can later be amended.


Motion for WHOIS Studies Funding for FY11 


In October 2007, the GNSO Council concluded that a comprehensive, objective
and quantifiable understanding of key factual issues regarding the gTLD
WHOIS system would benefit future GNSO policy development efforts

Before defining the details of studies, the Council solicited suggestions
from the community for specific topics of study on WHOIS. Suggestions were
submitted (http://forum.icann.org/lists/WHOIS-comments-2008/ ) and ICANN
staff prepared a 'Report on Public Suggestions on Further Studies of WHOIS',
dated 25-Feb-2008
feb08.pdf ).

On 5 November 2008 the GNSO Council formed a drafting team to solicit
further constituency views assessing both the priority level and the
feasibility of the various proposed WHOIS studies, with the goal of deciding
which studies, if any, should be assessed for cost and feasibility. 

The Drafting Team determined that the six studies with the highest average
priority scores should be the subject of further research to determine
feasibility and obtain cost estimates. 

On 4 March 2009 the GNSO Council requested that Staff conduct research on
feasibility and cost estimates for those six WHOIS studies and following
that assessment the Council would decide which studies should be conducted

On 23 March 2010, staff provided its analysis to the GNSO Council of costs
and feasibility for the first two study areas, and will continue to work on
the remaining areas

Resolved, that the GNSO Council recommends that at least (insert US dollar
amount) be included in the ICANN Budget for FY 2011.

Resolved further, that the GNSO secretariat communicate this resolution to
the ICANN Chief Financial Officer and the Board Finance Committee.

Steve DelBianco
Executive Director
http://www.NetChoice.org and http://blog.netchoice.org 

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