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[bc-gnso] Public Comments on Draft Final Report of the RSSAC Review Working Group

  • To: bc - GNSO list <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Public Comments on Draft Final Report of the RSSAC Review Working Group
  • From: Marilyn Cade <marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 09:38:19 -0400

Dear BC Members
We will be very busy between now and the Brussels Meeting, and I know you will 
be feeling challenged by the volume of work. However, in order to make the 
voice of business effective within ICANN, our active leadership and involvement 
is very important. 
To try to make it easier for members, we will try to keep the subject lines 
precise and focused on what the particular topic is. That way, you can 
determine if you personally are interested in a particular topic.
public comments on the Draft Final Report of the RSSAC Review Working Group. On 
the one hand, this will be fairly technical, but on the other hand, business 
leaders, whether from large or small companies, are affected significantly by 
the smooth, reliable performance of the Root.
I would like to gather a group of volunteers from within the business 
constituency, ( BC) including whomever you might recruit from within your 
company who may be engaged in managing your DNS service [so more in the 
technical side of your company] and have a discussion about this report. My 
proposal is to at least submit a letter from companies who are interested and 
concerned about this topic, and the importance of continued interaction with 
the broader community.    This topic is not a gTLD policy issue but is about 
ICANN's overall performance, stability, and reliability.  Comments on these 
kinds of reports are open comments -- so, a submission would probably be a 
letter, that would summarize discussion. It will not be a formal policy 
position of the BC, but we do have a place to post correspondence to ICANN, and 
if there is sufficient interest among members, we can undertake a broader 
review within the BC.  
Thus, as Chair,  I am calling it to your attention  and asking for any 
volunteers who are interested in this topic to respond.   
See below for the process, deadlines.
Marilyn CadeBC Chair



Public Comment: Publication for Public Comments of the
Draft Final Report of the RSSAC Review Working Group

April 2010

The RSSAC Review Working Group
releases today its draft
Final Report for public

The Report presents the draft
conclusions and recommendations of the Working Group on the review process of
RSSAC, the DNS Root Server System Advisory Committee. The Working Group based
its draft report on the final
report of the external reviewers and on comments
received from community.

will be received until the 5 June 2010, and then the Working Group will
finalize its report to the Board.


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