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[bc-gnso] For BC members information and action: Accountability and Transparency Review Team -Audio Streaming of F2F Meeting (5-6 May 2010)

  • To: bc - GNSO list <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] For BC members information and action: Accountability and Transparency Review Team -Audio Streaming of F2F Meeting (5-6 May 2010)
  • From: Marilyn Cade <marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 4 May 2010 16:09:06 -0400

Dear BC Members
As BC Chair, I am forwarding this information to you to call it to your 
attention but noting that this is intended for your individual participation as 
a concerned and involved stakeholder in ICANN.    
The Accountability and Transparency Review Team is the first of four such 
review processes identified and required in the Affirmation of Commitments  
between ICANN and the US Department of Commerce.  As we all know, the business 
community, including many members of the Business Constituency were actively 
engaged in providing comments into the ICANN President's Strategy Committee 
(PSC) which did much of the preliminary work that led to the AoC.  BC members 
individually filed comments and were actively engaged in various initiatives, 
including also a public process initiated by the US DoC /NTIA in a public 
comment process (NOI) related to accountability of ICANN to its stakeholders. 
More recently, the BC participated with its sister constituencies [IPC and 
ISPCP] in a process to nominate and support a nomee from the Commercial 
Stakeholder's Group (CSG) into the candidates which would then be eligible for 
'selection' by the Chairman of the Board and the Chair of the GAC as 
participants in the A&T RT. This Review team has been appointed, and the 
nominee that the CSG agreed upon -- Olivier Muron, France Telecom -- is a part 
of the Review team. 
The A&T RT has decided to make its deliberations very open to the community. 
You will find agendas, Preliminary Reports and Minutes posted on the web site 
posted below. Also, you will find information about how to listen into the 
public parts of the meeting. 
Best Regards
Marilyn CadeBC Chair



Accountability and Transparency Review Team - Audio
Streaming of F2F Meeting (5-6 May 2010)

May 2010

The first F2F meeting of the
Affirmation mandated Accountability
and Transparency Review Team is to be held in Marina Del Rey on Wednesday, 5 
May 2010 and Thursday, 6
May 2010 – 16.00
UTC – 01.00 UTC.

An audio-streaming will be provided for
the public parts of the meeting. The link to the Adobe Connect
room is as follows: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/affirmation/

Please consult the agenda
of this forthcoming session. Recording will be posted shortly after the meeting



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