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[bc-gnso] BC prep calls for ICANN-Brussels

  • To: "Bc GNSO list " <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] BC prep calls for ICANN-Brussels
  • From: "Marilyn Cade " <marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 28 May 2010 04:06:33 +0000

In preparation for the ICANN Brussels meeting, the BC will hold two calls with 
different agendas. 

Call one: Administrative Update, June 2, 9-10 am EST. 

Update on draft agenda for CSG and BC meetings in Brussels
Work underway on 1) member invoicing 2)member brochure for Brussels 3)CSG work 
items and process re new CSG Charter 4)Business reception with 
Governments/Board 5) website improvements strategy 6)ICANN budget/operating 
plan 7) Agenda and topics for House meeting on Saturday, Brussels meeting 8) 
other management items

Please RSVP for this call to receive the bridge information. Rsvp to 

Call Two: Policy update/planning for Brussels-June 7, 9-10 am EST. 

This call will focus on gTLD related policy topics. An agenda will be posted by 
Steve DelBianco, V.Chair, Policy Coordination separately for that call.

A bridge will be posted for this call to those who rsvp for that call. 

Rsvp to marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx/please specify which call, or if you are 
rsvp'ing for both. 

I would also like to welcome Jon Nevitt, who joined the BC in time to 
participate in Kenya meeting, and two new members: John Berard, Credible 
Contest and Fred Felman, MarkMonitor. 

Also welcome to Tero Mustala, with Nokia Network Systems, who is participating 
along with other Nokia colleagues and is joining the BC list. 

Shortly, you will receive billing invoices for 2010 dues, billed at the 2009 
reduced fee levels. 

The Brussels meeting preparation will become very busy now. ICANN has promised 
that the agenda will be posted by May 31. 

Best regards, 
Marilyn Cade
BC Chair
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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