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[bc-gnso] Announcement/BC Executive Committee change --

  • To: bc - GNSO list <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Announcement/BC Executive Committee change --
  • From: Marilyn Cade <marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 31 May 2010 14:17:26 -0400

To: BC MembersFrom: Marilyn Cade, BC Chair, on behalf of ExeComm
Subject: Change in officers
On behalf of the BC ExeComm, I would like to thank Rick Anderson, who has been 
volunteering as interim V.Chair, Operations and Finance. The Executive 
Committee asks that you join in expressing our appreciation for Rick's 
contributions in the interim period. Rick will continue to be an active member 
of the Finance Committee.  
Please join the Execomm in welcoming Chris Chaplow, Andalucia who has accepted 
the ExeComm's invitation to assume the title, and responsibilities of Vice 
Chair, Operations and Finance. Chris was formerly the Finance Representative, 
and has agreed to assume the Vice Chair role. Chris is already hard at work, 
assuming the day to day interface with webmaster, Sjobeck, and with Gary Hills, 
who will be continuing in a limited role undertaking invoicing and database 
maintainance while a longer term approach is developed under Chris' leadership. 
You will be hearing from Chris on Tuesday's call on some key advances he and I 
are working toward, and which he will be presenting in our June meeting. 
Tuesday's call will be a preview for members on changes in website, and other 
enhancements proposed. 
According to the Charter, this is an interim secondment, and will be formalized 
by an election within 6 months. However, in the interim, Chris holds full 
responsibility and will be a full member of the ExeComm. 
Chris will be joining the other ExeComm members in hosting the members' calls 
coming up tomorrow and next week.
I will also take this opportunity to announce, based on members requests, that 
next week's call will be adjusted to allow members to participate in the ICANN 
policy update. Stay tuned for a change in time on that call.                    

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