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[bc-gnso] Proposed GNSO Working Group Guidelines Published -- Announcement

  • To: bc - GNSO list <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Proposed GNSO Working Group Guidelines Published -- Announcement
  • From: Marilyn Cade <marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2010 03:13:34 -0400

To: BC MembersFrom: BC Chair
The lead up to the Brussels meeting will have a high number of announcements of 
documents, both from the ICANN Public Comment process, and from the BC and CSG.
Please bear with us, as we try to ensure that all BC members have current 
access to the distribution of announcements.  The GNSO Council process includes 
a distribution of public comment announcements, primarily focused on the GNSO 
policy issues.  
In addition, we will have ongoing updates on BC and CSG activities and events. 
We will endeavor to keep the subject lines clearly identified, so that you know 
whether to just 'note', or 'take action' on the information in the email itself.
Plan for a very dynamic few weeks until we meet in Brussels - literally or 
Marilyn CadeBC Chair

> Proposed GNSO Working Group Guidelines Published
> http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-3-31may10-en.htm
> WG-WT Publishes its Report
> 31 May 2010
> As part of GNSO Improvements, which has as its objective to improve the 
> structure and operations of the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO), 
> a Working Group (WG) Work Team (WT) was tasked with developing a Working 
> Group Model. The Working Group Model should become the focal point for GNSO 
> policy development and enhance the policy development process by making it 
> more inclusive and representative, and - ultimately - more effective and 
> efficient. To this end, the WG WT has developed a document, entitled 'GNSO 
> Working Group Guidelines', which brings together two different elements of 
> the Working Group process; on the one hand it addresses what should be 
> considered in creating, purposing, funding, staffing, and instructing/guiding 
> a WG to accomplish the desired outcome (the chartering process), and; 
> secondly, what guidance should be provided to a WG on elements such as 
> structuring, norms, tasking, reporting, and delivering the outcome(s) as 
> chartered (the working group !
>  process). Following review of public comments on an earlier version of the 
> proposed GNSO Working Group Guidelines, the WG WT has now finalized its 
> recommendations and will submit the proposed GNSO Working Group Guidelines to 
> the Policy Process Steering Committee (PPSC) for its review.
> Background
> In the past, the GNSO decided policy mainly through small legislative bodies 
> called "Task Forces." Intentionally, it is moving towards a more inclusive, 
> representative model where key parties tackle an issue together as a "Working 
> Group," then make recommendations to the GNSO Council. The WG WT was tasked 
> to define the new Working Group model, including guidelines, checklists, and 
> other materials to speed the process of creating, chartering, naming, 
> funding, staffing, and guiding a GNSO Working Group.
> Further Information
>     * GNSO Working Group Guidelines - 
> http://gnso.icann.org/improvements/working-group-guidelines-31may10-en.pdf 
> [PDF, 681 KB]
>     * WG-WT Workspace - 
> https://st.icann.org/icann-ppsc/index.cgi?working_group_team
>     * GNSO Improvements - http://gnso.icann.org/en/improvements/
> Staff responsible: Marika Konings

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