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[bc-gnso] reminders: ICANN meeting opens next week/ GNSO policy Council Rules regarding Motion and Document Deadline - Tuesady 15 June 2010

  • To: bc - GNSO list <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] reminders: ICANN meeting opens next week/ GNSO policy Council Rules regarding Motion and Document Deadline - Tuesady 15 June 2010
  • From: Marilyn Cade <marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2010 09:24:43 -0400

This reminder is intended for all BC members who are on working groups, or 
engaged in work related to the GNSO's policy agenda.  ICANN's meeting is only 
days away, and the work in lead up is fast and detailed. I will be posting an 
overview of the full program and what might be of most priority to the broader 
BC membership over the weekend, after consultation within the BC's ExComm. 
In addition to the work of the GNSO Council regarding policy related to gTLDs, 
there are many other topics on the broader ICANN agenda which we realize are of 
priority concern to BC Members. Some of these will be discussed in the CSG 
meeting on Tuesday a.m. during the meeting, and some during the BC's meeting. 
We will have remote participation for both meetings, and will have 'huddles' of 
members on Friday, Saturday, Sunday evenings, and possibly Tuesday.  More 
details on the BC's agenda and the huddles location will be provided shortly. 
Don't forget the Monday reception that you received a 'hold the 
date/invitation' for yesterday. 

The BC Executive Committee is meeting today and again on Wednesday on 
logistics, and other planning. One topic that the ExComm is discussing is the 
process to identify and submit nominees to the Review Teams.  In the meantime, 
a reminder about the rules of the GNSO Council's consideration of motions and 
Best Regards
Marilyn Cade, BC Chair


As required in the GNSO Operating Procedures, motions and  reports for 
consideration in the Brussels Open meeting of the GNSO Council 23 June 2010 are 
due not later than 8 days in advance of that meeting, that is, Tuesday, 15 June 


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